Thursday, October 2, 2008

Erm....this is too weird.

seriously read this post!!!!ITS AN EMERGENCY!!! MAY THE OTHER CREATOR OF THIS BLOG READ THIS POST PLEASE!!!( the other creator of this blog( yi hsien) comes in)

Meeting ajourned (wateva this means)
May the two blog creators step forward.Meeting will be held privately

(this is what that has been said in the private meeting)
the person who made this was recording silently
Li Sim: YI HSIEN!!!BIG NEWS!!!!Our blog is next to another person should see the blog...its like omg!!!

Yi Hsien: *shock* (and a little bit blur) huh?

Li Sim : Go see the next blog.Beside the flag blog click next blog...I bet you will be shock at what you see....DUN SEE IT PEOPLE!!THIS IS FOR YOUR OWN PRECAUTION!!!DONT DO IT!!!I WARN YOU!!!THIS IS ONLY FOR YI HSIEN!!!

Yi Hsien:Li sim gila di.

Li Sim : I'm talking the truth !!trust meee...... ( grips fist)

( yi hsien goes to the computer and clicks the next blog button)and she says...

Yi Hsien:huh?Y so weird one?Got so many pictures...Aiyah...nvm wan lah...we just ignore onli lah

Li Sim:but..but...

Yi Hsien:Ai yoh ...dun care about the othr peoples blog lah...haizz....poor li sim...

Li Sim: haiz... fine fine....Dun say i didint warn you...Ill be back for my revenge i tell you!!REVENGE!!!

Yi Hsien and li sim left the meeting (and so did the mysterious and silent recording person)

Judge:Have you come to a decision?

Li sim and yi hsien:Yes your honor...We will like to dismiss the case...Case solved!!The people of this court have a nice day.So far case number 1 solve . :)

No one knows whos the person behind this record but i think you will guess...

Posted by the creator of emo post poem post and boring boring week post
*li sim*
PLease i advise you to take percaution...I know you are filled with the curiosity to look at the next blog..But do it at your own risk...I wish you good luck and dont come back to this blog. Have a nice day =)

and one more thing the case was never really held . Yi hsien im sorry i used your name without permission...PLease forgive me..I know its illegal.. but im sorryy....REALLY SORRY!!!:( Yi hsien dialog was just agak agak onli..It never really was said)

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