Thursday, November 18, 2010

O ye lil faith

Oh gosh. Time goes by so fast. I just realised that holidays are already starting. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO FOR ONE AND A HALF MONTHS !?!?!?! play computer ? =.= I don't think so...Maybe I should start learning how to bake but my oven is so scary.... The last time I try to fire it up, the flame almost burn my hand. Almost . And I don't want that to happen again T.T I shall blog if anything I cook will not endanger anyones life. The great artiste *cough* shall be born ! Magnifique !

Anyways, Im glad you liked the new theme yi hsien.It is called a town full of teddy bears. Thats why there is a picture of a mountain of teddy bear on the top side of the blog. ehhe .I know how much u luv teddies so I put that pic for u. Wahaha . I sound so cheesie. I sound like a really old movie full of love scene.
Li Sim : Yi hsien... We shall forever run away....After we rob the bank
*time to break down into fergie's song *
G-L-A-M-O-R-OUS yeah
Li Sim

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thumbs UP :D

Oh gosh ! Li Sim ! This is the cutest layout i've ever seen :D I love it sooo much :D Thanks so much! I mean, Ahhh ! I love u :) You r absolutely the BEST blog-mate ever :D Ahh ! I cant stop looking at it ;) It's love at first sight for me :) And u made the title purple :D I love it . I love it . I love you :D

Okay , i can't stop screaming and getting all excited . Okay , i have to calm down :)

Anyway , was planning for a short update to give a brief idea of err .. my holiday . Yup . Actually no, but i don't know . Alright , here is my Holiday To Do List :D

1. Go out with Michelle for food date :)
2. Go to Sunway Lagoon with Michelle , kai xin and syee jia :)
3. Have a sleepover at Yen Lin's house :)
4. Have a sleepover at Michelle's house :)
5. Go out with kelly , jeanne ,michelle and (i hope) April , Li Sim . :)
6. Go out with Li Hui , Shu Ting,Yi Chin and other sampats :)
7. Watch all the movies that i like . Make myself cry and laugh for days :)
8. Clean up my cupboard or actually , the whole room :O
9. Go out with friends that are not mentioned above. Which means, a fun unplanned outing :)
10. Stalk mon during free time . :O AHAHA :D

Okay , thats all ! I know u r all so jealous of this layout :) I know i love it :D


Ending of 2010

We are coming near to the end of this year. So I decided to celebrate our 4th birthday of our blog with a big bang.
There are lots of different things in our blog. It has a new set of clothes and there are a few more gadgets in here.I hope you don't mind about the new change yi hsien. Yes this is still our blog and the only thing different is the new background.So enjoy it =)
Li Sim

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Back from holidays

After 4 awesome days in Singapore, I'm back ! =) . Maximum time to go to bed was like 12 o'clock but because I'm used to sleeping at 10, I developed a pimple on my left cheek. Sad . Anyways, I didn't take much photos because Singaporeans can be quite naughty sometimes. ( Not the sick way ) I heard from my ku poh tai (in English it means my grandfather's sister/grand aunt I think ) that there was this one time someone sued a kind fella who gave him/her food that made them got stomach ache a few days later when the food (of course ) became rotten. So I was quite terrified to take photographs in case someone sued me. Here is just the long story short :
1# Journey to the South
I took a card ride from KL to SG ( lazy to type full name ) and it took about like 3-4 hours so imagine the butt cramp I had to go through in the car.From there, the check point wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. In fact it was quicker than I expected and I thought we had to go through some sort of scanner as we would usually do in the airport but we didn't. The rules are quite flexible and liquids and foods are allowed to be brought in . The immegration officer is quite nice. ehhe . The first day was quite tiring itself but my mum and I (forced to ) went to the night safari zoo. The only thing that caught my eye was the ampitheater show which is free and the gift shop. Lots of cute and hugable plushies but expensive for me ( The lowest price is 20 sing and it is just about 10 cm big ) so it wasn't worth buying there. Singapore zoo is better to go to because the night safari opens at 7.30 p.m so it was quite hard to see the animals unless you got night vision goggles.When I went there there were Japanese and international primary school tour. A lot of ang moh children there. They are SOOOO CUTE !!!! One of the boys had curly hair. I just wanted to squeeze his cheeks. The Japanese people are also quite beautiful. Seriously. They had like huge nice brown eyes and V shaped face. By the way, don't take me as a pedophile. I'm not ok, its just that some thing attract my attention.
During lunch my ku poh tai took my aunties, my mum and I to this fabulous place called the forture restaurant and no its no spelled wrongly.Its so that the customers remember. Anyways its between maple and cherry avenue. The coffee pork ribs there are so fantastic that they are to DIE for.After that experience, I now understand the meaning of meat melting in your mouth.It was SO intense and rich in flavour. I literally went to paradise .I like my cousin so much ! She is always fun to hang out with. My aunt had a GPS so we had a much easier way to track down the hotel. At first it was like
GPS : 4 km then turn right
Aunt : wat ? 4 km ? How am I suppose to noe tat ?U RECALCULATE !
So it was hilarous to watch my aunty fight with the GPS. IN the end, we got there in one piece. Tired but in one piece. It was the best wedding I had ever seen. Very grand and pretty with all the roses and scented flowers bunched up in bouques. My cousin had a wedding dress that was quite ruffle-ly at the bottom part of the dress. She looked stunning =) I kind of missed her in Msia though haiz....
Sentosa beach IS A MUST GO ! The water is so clear that I can see grains of sand. I went to the southest point of the continent and then to the nature trail park and the underwater world. The underwater world is a serious go-to. It is amazing and awesome ! I never had the time to travel around sentosa because one of my aunt's mum grandson was having his birthday celebrated so we had to rush back from orchard road. We took the MRT and a piece of advice: always get the singapore MRT map. It was seriously confusing with all the MRT zooming everywhere. It is faster and twice as big as our LRT. + it doesn't travel in a straight line like our LRT does. There is an interlink change and all those things.On our way back we stop by at orchard road. It wasn't suitable for me cause it more to the riches rather than those with average income.Brands like carties, levi and all those fanciful shops are the only ones there.All in all,I really had a good time in singapore. Now, I have to face reality and see my exam results. argh the pain... DX
Li Sim

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I must be stupid :O

Li Sim ,

How u change ur font colour ? I cant change mine at all D: THIS IS BAD . Means something is wrong with my computer or something . AHH .

Oh well , okay ! I wont use pink . Lets use purple ! Or blue , or hmm . Any other colours ahaha .

I have no idea what m i supposed to blog about. I just realized , i haven't blog about a lot of stuff yet. Such as the taekwondo camp on june ? Ahaha . And beijing trip . Or birthday outing. This proves one thing , I m a lazy and forgetful person :) I say that with pride :D

Alright , I love babies or children . Those really cute ones :) I'm just a step away from kidnapping them . Ahaha . And i'm kidding , of course , i think :) I like fireworks ! Don't u ? If u don't then shame on u for no reasons .

As u know , or might not know , there were like hundreds of fireworks going on yesterday. Okay maybe not hundred , but at least 50 judging by how it goes on and on for about an hour ? Oh well , i like it anyway :) My brother told me this really funny thing about the fireworks which i'm not gonna share here :)

I really have a talent in crapping . No actually, i have a talent in writing nonsense . i dono . Ahaha . Oh ! On tuesday night , my family and I went for this spanish buffet thing . They had dis 30% discount promotion or something . It was kinda nice and all but there nothing special about the food . I mean , they have more italian food than spanish food .

However , i like love this machine which makes espresso , mocha , milo and others. Kinda fun :D And , they have this system , where u can order food from the chef by putting this clip thing into the basket which has the name of the food . Then they'll bring the food for u and give u back the clip , then u can put it in another basket :D

This post looks long. Ahaha , but of course , it's filled with craps and all my daily life things. Oh well :)


SiNgApOrE !!!

To Yi Hsien
Of course we can change our blog template =) But not like really deep pink please because it just makes my eye hurts XD seriously though.. like not high lighter pink.

Anyways, I will be skipping school for 4 days. Usually as you guys know, I never EVER ever ever ever ever ever ever ever skip school but this year is going to be the most days I'm going to skip. Deepavali was fun. Had some really good food such as briyani, curry ( although I took a bit ), some light snacks and cookies a.k.a * *MURUKU* * (See the sparkles !!!) and many more ! Best diwali I ever had. I would like to show you some pictures of it but of course, I don't want you guys to drool amylase all over your keyboard. Heh heh heh.

I'm going to Singapore over the weekdays so yi hsien, I'm going to leave to blog to you ! LOL Its not like you never did it before. Sorry I didin't update for a super duper long time. I had a really tough time dealing with the exams. ugh .ONe thing I know for sure. I'm going to enjoy myself in clean pristine singapore. Hmm... If I can, I will update some photos after the trip =) If I'm not too lazy that is.Goodbye friends XD
Li Sim

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Butterflies :)

I suddenly like butterflies :) Not like i used to hate them or something . It's just that i suddenly like them :D

Okay , anyway . I can't change my font to white again . So , oh well . Bear with this pink-ness of mine :) I wanna change this layout. Perhaps , something purple ? :D I'm smiling :)

Dear Li Sim , ( yes if you're not Li Sim then you can skip this paragraph )

Can we change the blog layout ? :) Can we ? :D Can we pick something purple ? Or something happy ? :) I'll take that as a yes ! Alright then , lets set a date and time to online , and pick layouts :) Heee :) Thanks ! I love you :D

What am i supposed to blog about now ? Lack of inspiration . I'm so tired of sitting Ahaha . I mean , i've been sitting in school for exam , sitting at home to study , sitting at tuition and sitting in the car for almost the whole time for the past two weeks . Oh , and now i'm sitting to blog about this :)

My point is .. I don't have a point actually , but i'll pretend as though i have one , but i just forgot about it . I'm now chanting a mantra or something so that all of you will think that I'm nice or something . Hare hare , yi hsien is nice ... Hare hare , yi hsien is weird ... Hare hare :O

Now , i don't remember what i wanted to blog about . Oh well . Good night ! :D
